Bleeding tub
The blood vessels have a closed bottom, then there is a false liftable bottom so that the working height is always correct. There are hatches at the bottom of the tub for emptying and cleaning, and the false bottom can also be raised in another way, making cleaning even easier. The lift is powered by a powerful hydraulic jack.
Útfærslurnar á blæðikörunum fara alveg eftir plássi og þörfum viðskiptavinar, t.d hefur verið smíðað kar sem liggur ofan í lestargati og er þá hífanlegt upp úr þegar tæma á lest (sjá myndir fyrir neðan).
- Made with stainless steel
- A sealed box which means it holds water
- Lifting capacity: 600 kg or 1000 kg
- Lift height: 110 cm
- Powerful hydraulic jack(s).
- A false bottom that lifts up
- Hatch at the bottom for emptying and cleaning, the false bottom can also be raised on a strip for better access during cleaning
- Custom built to suit your needs and space
- Water level adjustable with an overflow pipe
- Spring loaded control valve

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Jónsvör 3
190 Vogar
Opening hours
Mon - Fri: 8-17
Closed on Weekends